In the Beginning...

After 38 years in the movie business, my mind begins to wonder for simple things, simple like becoming an expat in paradise! A cool tropical drink in hand, the warm caressing waters of the pacific and a temperature that never drops below 70 degrees(f), now that's what I'm talking about! In order to accomplish this, I have to begin the transition from contributing member to society to carefree self directed retiree...but not quite yet.

We have 3 sons, all in college, for at least 2 more years, so in effect a self imposed deadline has been set for my wife & I to make this happen. The good news: we have a lovely little beachside bungalow in Costa Rica, the bad news: beach environment is murder on a home, much like the endless maintenance of a boat(we've got one of those too, my advice, don't, it truly is a pit you throw money into, constantly)the salt air environment, heat and humidity deteriorates everything rapidly, it is astonishing, but the price for paradise.

So, my challenge is to continue to work for the next 2 years(in todays economy the current status symbol is no longer a BMW, it now is a paycheck!!), sell my boat(someone buy it please!!!), get our boys through college, downsize from our 5 bedroom house(underwater like everyone else)to a 2 bedroom condo,renovate our bungalow in CR to a comfortable standard, and start practicing living on a fixed income. Yeah, I didn't say this was going to be easy, but I am passionate about living in Costa Rica and I love a challenge! It is my hope that this little journey will be as interesting to you as it is to me, the transition from full time working person to man of leisure can be frought with obstacles, however in the end I will end up relocating to CR. The journey has already begun by the purchase of a bungalow in Playa Hermosa, Jaco, Punteraenas, Costa Rica...where the Jungle meets the sea(well at least by the alemondra tree). OOps gotta go, I have to get ready for home honey-dos.